Virgin Australia Wheelchair Onboard SSR

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Wheelchair Onboard (WCOB) SSR
Virgin Australia wishes to remind trade partners that for travelling guests who require a wheelchair from check-in, or to/from the aircraft, to please ensure the applicable Special Service Request (SSR) is included in the guest’s reservation.  Additionally, from 15 May 2018, if the guest also requires a wheelchair onboard, the WCOB SSR will also need to be added to the guest’s reservation.Please note

• The WCOB SSR must be used in conjunction with another wheelchair SSR code
• If the WCOB SSR is added incorrectly you will receive a 5QQ remark in the PNR – SSRWCOB INCORRECT PROCESS REFER TO AGENCY HUB

The safety and comfort of your customers is important to Virgin Australia, and we would like to remind our trade partners of the importance of ensuring the applicable Special Service Request (SSR) is confirmed (KK status).

Note: When adding a wheelchair SSR (excluding WCOB), the request reflects a PN status and is generated for manual approval to the airline. Confirmation will be sent as a KK status and is required to be accepted (HK status) to confirm the SSR. A WCOB SSR will automatically be confirmed as KK status.

While aircraft are equipped with a lightweight, collapsible wheelchair for use in-flight, in the unlikely event that an onboard wheelchair is unserviceable or unavailable, guests will be contacted and alternative arrangements will be made. For our teams to effectively notify and communicate with guests about any changes, trade partners are reminded to ensure the phone and email contact information of the travelling guest is provided in the guest’s reservation.

Please follow the Travel Agent Booking Process as outlined in the Special Needs and Assistance Guide when requesting these Special Service Requests. A copy of the guide can be found on the the Agency Hub Policies and Guides tab.

Where do I go for more information?
Please contact the Virgin Australia Industry Support Team or your Virgin Australia Industry Account Manager or visit the Virgin Australia Agency Hub.
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